I have just finished a list of things to do tomorrow, Monday, Oct 4th. It has 4 sub-headings: Lesson Plans, Two Rivers (the school I work at), Lennon's 70th and dinner. It will take me all day. There are other lists but we won't be looking much at them this week so don't come look at my kitchen floor or the front garden. I feel like I am am in third gear - about ready to hit the 35 mph level of activity here in D.C. By the end of October I will be cruising in 6th gear and, if I keep eating well and getting some sleep at night, I will be enjoying myself very much. I hope that I will have been to Brooklyn to see where Katy is living and enjoy the fall foliage in Central Park. I know that I will be attending the Stewart/Colbert rally on the 30th and the National Symphony Children's Concert at the Kennedy Center on the 31st - I believe it is time to resurrect the Mozart costume.
There is much to be said for travel, for getting out of one's regular routine and comfort zone and I have to admit to already planning my next summer's adventure, but now I am immersed in real work. I think there are almost 40 kids coming to my house for music lessons every week and I am dreaming about Middle C and the dominant 7th chord. Not to mention that I am trying very hard to keep my own performance goals up front and center. Next edition..... the song that I wrote on my return. If I have time to post.
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